St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

Our Classes 

This part of the school website provides visitors, parents and children with an overview of what is happening in our classes.

It also provides children and parents with access to the locked part of the school website where children can access "Home Learning" and "Blended Provision". children will not need to access this part of the website if they are classified as a vulnerable learner or if their parents are critical to the COVID-19 response and need to attend the workplace.


The children of critical workers or those who are vulnerable and have been attending school will need to access this part of the website if their class have to self-isolate  but are well enough to work from home. 


If you are not sure how to find the locked page (Click Me) or if you don't know the password, contact the school office.

Visit our Class Pages


 Canon Millett EYFS Unit


Year 1 & 2 Class



Year 3 Class



Year 4 Class






Year 5 Class


Year 6 Class


Lock-down school closure / Outbreak class closure

In the event of a national lock-down or COVID outbreak class closure, to ensure consistency across the school and to support parents supporting learning at home we are recommending the following weekly time table.

Along with daily physical activity, reading, phonics, spelling and number-bond / tables practice, the following time table ensures that children will have access to between 3 and 4 hours of learning each day.

For parents working from home, you do not have to follow this time table but it will give you an insight of times when your child will have face to face learning with a school adult. 



This generic time table illustrates  activities that  provision is built around. It is adjusted for different age groups and is reflective of ability and developmental age. Timings for lessons or sessions are broad indicators. A 15-30 minute interactive live session will usually then include between 20 - 30 minutes of independent follow up.