St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

Being a musician at St Mary's


At St. Mary’s we enjoy a strong tradition of Music. Click here to see our Music curriculum overview.


St Mary’s are delighted to have been selected by Wiltshire Music Connect to become a Music Mark School for our participation and contribution to our local music cluster.  Music Mark is the UK Association for Music Education, championing and supporting access to music for all children and working in partnership with the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM).  We are thrilled to have been recognised for the value we place on music and are excited to be part of a network of Music Mark schools across the UK.  Becoming a Music Mark school will lead to further opportunities for our children and access to training for our teachers to ensure that our pupils are able to access a high-quality music education.  We are proud to be able to use the Music Mark logos; watch out for these in our letters.



Normally, the classes have regular Music lessons in which children learn the basics of musical terms e.g. pulse, rhythm, timbre and start to learn music notation. The children experience a wide range of musical styles through listening, singing to and accompanying with tuned and un-tuned percussion in our music room. There are also opportunities for composing and collaboration for children to create their own music. We are fortunate to have a number of tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments, and we use the ‘Charanga’ music programme 


We are delighted to be recognised as a ‘Sing Wiltshire’ school.   



There are opportunities for the children to learn stringed, and percussion instruments with three peripatetic teachers. At the moment, our peripetetic teachers are not teaching on site, but operating from home on zoom with many of the children. Mrs Beresford is typically available to teach piano lessons outside of school hours. Our teachers are happy to be contacted directly, so please see the information below.



These are the details of our peripatetic teachers.




Email contact

Guitar and Drumming

Tom Allen 

Stringed instruments: violin and piano.

Clare Beresford-



The school's interim Lead Musician or Music Subject Leader is Eloisa Nash