St Mary's

Catholic Primary School

Data Protection Policy including Freedom of Information



St Mary’s Catholic Primary School needs to use data on pupils in order to keep them safe and deliver the best education possible. Only essential data is held, and we always aim to follow the law when we collect use, store, and share your data.


Parents, children, employees all have a legal right to be informed about how we use the personal information we hold about them.

This section of the website provides an overview of how we collect, store, and use personal data. It is also a place where you can find key documents that help guide our practice.


St Mary’s Catholic Primary School is the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of data protection law.


Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) contact details can be found in any of the following privacy notices.


Please click here for the Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents/Carers.

Please click here for the Privacy Notice for Staff.

Please click here for the Privacy Notice for Volunteers.

Please click here for the Privacy Notice for Governors.

Please click here for the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Policy.